Harry Styles Has Four Nipples and We've Got Proof

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Harry Styles suffers from a condition known as polythelia and has developed extra nipples. Here's where they are located on his body.

Kelly Corbett - Author

If you’ve heard a rumor regarding Harry Styles having four nipples, I’m here to set the record straight. The truth is, that is the truth. The former One Direction member and now "As It Was" crooner has four nipples. One, two, three, four. And despite his extra chest details, he's still the ultimate heartthrob to his fans across the world, his current girlfriend Olivia Wilde, and to all of these ladies who previously dated him.

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Harry makes having four nipples hot. Generally speaking, Harry makes having nipples hot. Point blank, period.

But let's discuss this, because it's not every day that you find out someone (let alone Harry Styles!) has extra nipples. While it sounds like something one would want to keep private, he has actually spoken about it. Keep reading to learn all about Harry's third and fourth nipples and the condition behind them.

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Yes, Harry Styles has four nipples.

Just like we all have our little quirks, so does singer, songwriter, actor, and creator of Pleasing, Mr. Harry Styles. For years, there was actually talk on the Internet of the musician having a nipple quartet.

The year is 2016 and my family still fights about if Harry Styles actually has four nipples.

— Rachel Milholland (@Left_or_Wright) July 9, 2016

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But it wasn't until 2017 that Harry actually confirmed it during an interview with Chelsea Handler. When Chelsea brought up the talk surrounding his four nipples, he didn't even flinch and owned right up to it. He explained that he had his two "usual" nipples and then an extra pair (known as supernumerary nipples) farther down his chest.

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Per WedMD, someone who has an extra nipple(s) has a condition referred to as polythelia. In some cases, breast tissue may form underneath the surface of this nipple(s), but usually, is it considered a benign congenital anomaly and not a threat to one's health.

As Joshua Zeichner, MD, Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research for the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, told Allure, having extra nipples isn't some rare feat as one may think. It's actually pretty common. In fact, many folks that have one or more aren't even aware.

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As he told the outlet: "When the body develops, sometimes nipple-forming cells accidentally migrate down the chest below the normal nipple. Supernumerary nipples can develop anywhere on the chest, armpit, even belly or into the groin, along a vertical line below the nipple, known as the 'embryonic milk line.'"

Harry Styles put my expectations in men so high that I’m not even sure I want a man with only two nipples any more.

— Agathe 🍇 HARRY IN ONE MONTH ✨ Satellite🪐 (@kmmwkindness) April 3, 2022

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Furthermore, Yahoo Beauty reports that supernumerary nipples are often just a centimeter in diameter and may look like moles. Also, get this: Harry isn't the only celebrity to don extra nipples. Mark Wahlberg, Lily Allen, and Joanna Krupa all have three nipples.

So, where are Harry Styles's extra nipples?

As aforementioned, supernumeray nipples may just look like moles — and if you often tend to gaze at shirtless pics of Harry, you've probably stared them down a bunch of times and didn't even notice. Granted, his tattoos do offer somewhat of a distraction, but his third and fourth nipples are still very much present. They are located on his torso and you can see them in his video for "As It Was."

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See them? Because that's as much of Harry's hot bod that we're going to show you.

Oh, and if you're now in the bathroom investigating that mysterious birthmark on your chest, rest assured. You now have something in common with a music icon!
