How A Missed Search From Casey Anthony's Computer Could Have Changed The Trial

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

After Casey Anthony was arrested, the authorities went through her computer to see if her internet searches provided any clues that hinted at her guilt. They did โ€” but the sheriffs didn't find a number of searches for one simple reason.

According to USA Today, authorities performed the search on only one web browser: Internet Explorer. Though Anthony, or someone in the Anthony household, did use Internet Explorer, Casey Anthony preferred to use Mozilla Firefox. When searching for "suffocation" on the former, there were zero results. When searching on the right browser, not only did suffocation come up, but also around 1,200 other searches.

Looking at the internet trail of the computer, the person who looked up suffocation โ€” adding the tag "fool-proof" and misspelling suffocation as suffication โ€” then clicked on an article that listed several methods. One technique written about was using poison; another was putting a bag over the head. The search was made on the last day Caylee was seen alive, and five months later, Caylee was found wrapped in a plastic bag, per CNN.
