John Morrison- better as a Face or Heel?

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read
MARK OUT TIME !!!!!! I don't care if he is heel, face, or in between. I think he is very entertaining to watch. I just really like his particular style in the ring. I'm not really a big fan of high flyer's either, but he is exceptional if you ask me. I've liked his mic work for quite some time now too. I like the far out ultra enlightened "Palace of Wisdom" segments online, you should watch them if you haven't already.

After seeing him work as heel and face in singles competition I can't really decide. I liked what he did with The Miz, but it just made me want to see him do the solo thing again, but as a face. Now that he has embarked on that journey I think it is going well. He shouldn't stray from that course. If WWE puts the time and resources into him like they do the Main Event guys, he will be a Main Event guy. He just needs the right exposure, or a really good feud to solidify his place as a top guy initially. Eventually they should let him get a shot at the top titles, maybe a test run, and see how he does. Just give him something good to work with, quit feeding him scraps.

When you look back at his career he has spent most of it as a heel. M-N-M started as a heel tag team and always was until they disbanded. His first solo run that took him all the way to the ECW title and Intercontinental title he was a heel, and with Miz in a tag team he was heel once more. I think this face thing is just new for him and it just takes a while for people to get used to it. If you listen to the pops, his have been getting bigger and bigger. Now, I don't like them putting him in 3 way tag matches with Matt Hardy and Khali though. If that's all he is going to achieve than kick it back into heel mode and kick some ass. I don't want to see Morrison get stuck in the same place as Matt Hardy(mid-carder for life). I think Morrison is better than that, I think he could be one of the next big big stars for the company.

If it comes down to it I'd have to say I like to hear the crowd cheer him rather than boo him. When he was with The Miz I felt Miz was the one who really generated the heat while Morrison stole the matches most of the time. However, because they were heels he never got the pops for it. Now Miz is the one on Raw, getting his heat, and gathering up titles. Looks like being the heat of the tag team worked. As Doc said, his style is more for a face than a heel. How many high flying heels do you really see? Not Hardy, not Rey, not Evan Bourne, not Kofi, or Yoshi Tatsu, or Jimmy Wang Yang, none of them. Trends speak louder than words, or so it appears.
