8 Ridiculous Batman Characters That Will Never Appear On The Big Screen

May 2024 · 1 minute read

8) The Penny Plunderer

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You know the giant penny that sits in the Batcave in the comics? Well, while it is often assumed to refer to Two-Face, with his trusty scarred coin, it is actually a leftover from a different, and much more obscure, member of Batman’s rogues gallery.

Joe Coyne (yes, really) was a penny-obsessed criminal whose goal was to steal the giant penny on show in a museum. Batman stopped him, of course, but then – for some reason – stole the coin for himself and put it in the Batcave.

We would love for the giant penny to feature in Ben Affleck’s Batcave, as so far no live-action incarnation of Batman’s lair has had the interesting visuals of the one from the comics. However, even if it did make it to the screen, we highly doubt its origins would be tied in with the Penny Plunderer.

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