'Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer': Jennie Alexandra says she was sex trafficking victim

May 2024 · 4 minute read

When fans tuned in to catch up on the latest episode of FOX's new dating show '' little did they know that they would end up leaving with a newfound level of love and respect for contestant Jennie Alexandra. After winning a date with Steven McBee, the 29-year old beauty shocked everyone when she revealed a shocking detail from her past.

After her wonderful date at the opera, wanted to make sure that Steven knew a little bit about her past. So she revealed that she was a about six years ago. She added that she would normally never share this information on her first date or immediately after meeting a person but with she felt comfortable enough to open up about her past trauma. Read on to know more about Jennie.


Who is Jennie Alexandra?

Jennie is a 29-year-old from San Diego, California. She works as an attorney during the day and as a bottle service girl during the night. She is an avid traveler who has traveled to over 20 countries. 

In the recently aired episode, the beautiful attorney discussed her harrowing past with Steven. She explained, "I am, like, a victim of, like, sex trafficking. It happened six years ago, and we finally had a trial four years after. The judge came back in my favor. It was a $13 million judgment and 20-year sentencing. And so that was, like, the most rewarding thing ever." "I wouldn't be okay with myself if I didn't at least try to do something about it, because it was, like, I can't not do anything. And know in the back of my head, oh, they're probably gonna do this to like other women. 'Cause not only, like, stuff was put online. I mean, I was harassed," she added. 

Steven was surprised on hearing about Jennie's past but assured her that her past had no bearing on her future. He also praised her for her strength and dubbed her as a "pretty damn amazing woman." In fact, he was so awestruck by Jennie that she catapulted to the top two positions in Steven's eyes. Just like Steven fans too were amazed by Jennie's strength and bravery to discuss her traumatic past on the show.

A fan tweeted, "So glad Jennie spoke her truth. She deserved that perfect date tonight #JoeMillionaire." Another fan wrote, "I admire how vulnerable Jennie was being, especially on the first date. I really hope she doesn’t get heartbroken #JoeMillionaire." "So courageous beautiful Jennie sharing her pain with us! Keep being brave and beautiful girl! #JoeMillionaire," commented another fan.

So glad Jennie spoke her truth. She deserved that perfect date tonight

— mick, mick… BOOM! (@mickified) January 14, 2022


I admire how vulnerable Jennie was being, especially on the first date. I really hope she doesn’t get heartbroken

— Robert Butler III (@DirectorRB3) January 14, 2022


So courageous beautiful Jennie sharing her pain with us! Keep being brave and beautiful girl!

— Taylor Wright (@LilBitSouth) January 14, 2022


Another fan shared, "Wow… Jennie you are such a strong person for sharing that. Thank you for doing that. You are a beautiful human!!! #JoeMillionaire." "A new love and respect for Jennie after her sharing her story. I know @steven_mcbee won’t be able to get her off his mind #JoeMillionaire," declared a fan. " Jennie I'm so sorry you experienced that. You are so brave for sharing your story RESPECT #JoeMillionaire," expressed a fan. "What a heartbreaking story for Jennie to tell. Brave for her #JoeMillionaire," added a fan.

Wow… Jennie you are such a strong person for sharing that. Thank you for doing that. You are a beautiful human!!!

— Peyton Freestone (@p_freestone) January 14, 2022


A new love and respect for Jennie after her sharing her story. I know won’t be able to get her off his mind 😍

— Tiffany Heinen (@tiffanyheinen) January 14, 2022


😢 Jennie I'm so sorry you experienced that. You are so brave for sharing your story RESPECT 🖤🖤🖤

— Relly (@RELLYTHAPROPHET) January 14, 2022


What a heartbreaking story for Jennie to tell. Brave for her

— Mark (@MJW0220) January 14, 2022


'Joe Millionaire: For Richer or Poorer' airs every Thursday at 8/7c on FOX.

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