The Meaning Behind The Song: Angels Cry Holy by Planetshakers

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Title: Angels Cry Holy

Artist: Planetshakers

Album: Evermore (2005)

Released in 2005 as part of the “Evermore” album, “Angels Cry Holy” is a powerful worship song performed by the Christian rock band, Planetshakers. Written and composed by the band members, this heartfelt song explores the theme of God’s love, redemption, and the awe-inspiring holiness of the Lord.

The lyrics of “Angels Cry Holy” begin by acknowledging the predestined plan of God to create humanity in His image, even before the beginning of time. It speaks of how, despite humanity’s rebellion and sin, God had already planned for the day when He would send His Son to pay the ultimate price for our sins.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice, proclaiming that He took on all the sins of the world and washed them away, bearing every curse upon Himself on the cross. This profound act of love and grace demonstrates the depths of God’s mercy and His desire for reconciliation with His creation.

Beyond the lyrics, “Angels Cry Holy” encapsulates the awe and wonder inspired by God’s incomparable greatness. The song expresses a deep reverence as it acknowledges that all our future plans are safe within His hands. It recognizes that God’s wisdom and power extend far beyond our highest thoughts and prayers.

Throughout the song, Planetshakers invites listeners to join in praising and extolling God. The line “With all my heart and soul, I’ll praise You and extol” reveals a personal devotion and commitment to worship the Almighty. It serves as a reminder that no matter the circumstances, we can always find solace and strength in God’s loving embrace.

Personally, “Angels Cry Holy” holds a special place in my heart. Whenever I sing this song, it helps me to surrender my worries, fears, and doubts to God. It reminds me of His faithfulness and goodness, and how His love is more than enough to carry me through any storm. The lyrics serve as a constant encouragement to have faith in God’s perfect plan, even when things seem uncertain or challenging.

Moreover, the song’s emphasis on God’s holiness prompts introspection and humility. It challenges me to evaluate my own actions and attitudes, to ensure that they align with the holiness of the Lord. It serves as a reminder that the One I praise and worship is far greater than anything else, and that His holiness demands my reverence and awe.

As a worship song, “Angels Cry Holy” is not only a beautiful expression of adoration but also an invitation for all believers to join in praising and worshiping God. It reminds us of His immeasurable love and sacrifice, and the incredible privilege we have to approach His throne with confidence and gratitude.

In conclusion, “Angels Cry Holy” by Planetshakers is a heartfelt worship song that communicates the depths of God’s love, redemption, and holiness. Its lyrics invite us to embrace God’s perfect plan, surrender our cares to Him, and join in praising His name. Whether in times of joy or challenges, this song serves as a reminder of God’s unfailing faithfulness and the awe-inspiring holiness that demands our worship.
