Wrestlezones Top 10: Misused Wrestlers

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Antonio Cesaro

Has anybody watched this guy wrestle? He is the perfect combination of old school vs. new school. Antonio Cesaro is not just a great wrestler, he is a fantastic talent. When you see a match with Cesaro, you never know what you are going to get. His creativity to simplistic moves is shocking to me. His size, combined with his speed in the ring, is dangerously underrated.  I have never seen a match with Cesaro where I sat back and said, "Eh, that was average at best." Bret Hart may give him a 4/10, but he is the best thing in the ring for WWE right now. It is ashame he is not facing John Cena for the WWE Championship. It's a crime he lost the US Title to Kofi Kingston. What the hell are they doing? They are completely wasting a guy that could be your future for the next 10-15 years. Cesaro may be a little raw on the microphone, but he is complete in 9 out of 10 ways. Give this guy a main event spot. He deserves it.
