Celebrities Who Smoke Weed

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Justin Timberlake believes "Some people are just better high."

Andrew H. Walker / Getty Images

In an interview with Playboy magazine, Justin Timberlake said he "absolutely" smoked weed.

"The only thing pot does for me is it gets me to stop thinking," JT told the magazine. "Sometimes I have a brain that needs to be turned off. Some people are just better high."

Although, he did attempt to quit for a bit in 2003 after being high during the first ever episode of "Punk'd." "I actually stopped smoking pot for 9 to 10 months after that. I was so stoned."

Cameron Diaz bought weed from Snoop Dogg.

"Bad Teacher"

Justin Timberlake's ex-girlfriend Cameron Diaz is also no stranger to weed — especially since she went to high school with Snoop Dogg!

"We went to high school together, [Snoop] was a year older than me," she said on "Lopez Tonight." "He was very tall and skinny and wore lots of ponytails in his hair and I'm pretty sure I got weed from him. I had to have!"

Snoop Dogg taught his son how to "properly" smoke.

Kevin Winter/Getty

Snoop Dogg confirms Cameron Diaz's comments, saying, "I might have sold her some of that white girl weed."

Meanwhile, the rapper admits he is a proud holder of what he calls "a platinum medical marijuana card."

He even taught his son how to "properly" smoke weed.

"What better way to [learn] than from the master?" Snoop tells The Hollywood Reporterreferring to photos posted on Twitter showing his son lighting a 2-foot-bong.

“My kids can do whatever the hell they want," he explains of his parenting philosophy. "For me to say otherwise would be hypocritical. A lot of motherf-----s don't have a relationship with their kids, and that's when they get on drugs and have suicidal thoughts and drive drunk. Me and my son is mellow. I'm his father, so I wanna show him the proper way because he looks up to me.”

Willie Nelson smoked with Snoop Dogg in the recording studio.

Wikimedia Commons

Willie Nelson told Piers Morgan he even smoked with Snoop Dogg.

"You know, me and Snoop smoke a lot," Nelson said on CNN. "I was in Amsterdam one time and Snoop called me and wanted me to sing on his record. And I said, 'OK.' He said, 'Where are you?' And I said, 'I'm in Amsterdam.' So he caught the next plane and come over. And we recorded a song together."

Rihanna posts photos of herself smoking.


Rihanna is constantly posting photos of herself and friends smoking weed, saying “I’m crazy, and I don’t pretend to be anything else."

After she was caught smoking smoking by the paparazzi, Ri tweeted these Drake lyrics: "Kush rolled, glass full ... I prefer the better things!"

Jennifer Lawrence won't deny or admit it.

"Chelsea Lately"/E! Networks

When Spin Magazine asked Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence if she smoked weed, "The Hunger Games" actress responded: "I so cannot answer that question. I'm in a franchise."

Justin Bieber got caught red-handed.


After TMZ posted pictures of the 19-year-old pop star smoking weed, Bieber went on "Saturday Night Live" to apologize to his fans.

During a sketch entitled "The Miley Cyrus Show," Bieber played Miley's biggest fan. Biebs, while still in character, said: "I also heard he got busted for smoking weed. And he's really sorry about it. And people make mistakes. And he's never gonna do it again." 

Lady Gaga smokes before writing songs.


"I smoke a lot of pot when I write music," Lady Gaga openly admitted on "60 Minutes."

"So I'm not gonna, like, sugar coat it for '60 Minutes' that I'm some, like, sober human being, 'cause I'm not," she blatantly told Anderson Cooper.

Whoopi Goldberg was high during her Oscar acceptance speech.

Whoopi Goldberg admitted she smoked a "wonderful joint" before winning the Best Supporting Actress Award for "Ghost" in 1991.

"I learned a great lesson, though: Never smoke pot before there's a possibility of having to talk to a hundred million people."

Morgan Freeman says he'll never quit smoking.


The 75-year-old actor told The Guardian that he'll "never give up the ganja," calling it "God's own weed."

Interesting, considering Freeman played God in "Bruce Almighty."

Susan Sarandon believes "everybody should be able to smoke pot."

J.B Nicholas/Splash News via PopWatch

"I believe in individual rights, I mean, I would like to see everybody be able to smoke pot. That's a waste of our money to incarcerate all those people. I'm totally a libertarian in that sense," the actress said in a HuffPost Live interview.

Sarandon went so far as to deem the laws discriminatory.

"It's completely racist, you're picking up everybody at the lower level because the mandatory drug laws let you trade in to get off. People at the bottom are filling up our jails, mostly people of color ... you're wasting taxpayers money and allowing drug cartels to make money."

"It could completely save our a-- if we legalized marijuana, just marijuana," Sarandon continued. "You never hear of anybody robbing stores when they're too high, they don't drive cars, alcohol causes more damage to your body, so it's just a hangup from ignorance that's become politicized."

"It's about education,' the 66-year-old added. "Baby boomers know that it's not a gateway drug and it's not going to kill you and all those other things."
