Rebel Wilson denies saying people only need 600 calories a day to survive

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Aussie actress Rebel Wilson has hit back at a report claiming she said people only need “600 calories a day” to survive.

The comedian recently gave an interview to the Daily Mail which quoted her saying she did not believe people need to consume that many calories when detoxing.

Now, in a denial posted to Instagram Stories, the actress said she never made those comments.

“This reporting is UNTRUE and utterly ridiculous and harmful to women!” she wrote over a screenshot of an article from The Mirror.

In the Daily Mail article, Wilson opened up about her lifestyle overhaul and 30kg weight loss since overhauling her diet and lifestyle in 2020.

To help kickstart her “Year of Health”, Wilson attended a week-long medical spa retreat in Austria called Vivamayr – and it was there she apparently learned that consuming 600 calories [2510kJ] per day was more than enough to survive a detox – not the “1,500 or 2,000 [6276 or 8368kJ]” that people think is needed.

“I was just actually in a program where I learned about food, and they taught us that you don’t really need as many calories as you think,” the Pitch Perfect star told the outlet last week while promoting her new dating app, Fluid, at an event in Beverly Hills.

Wilson said that calorie count “might sound crazy to some people”, but if you eat right and eat small portions, “you’ll be just fine”.

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“The problem is that people are stuck at a desk or in their car, and they tend to get hungry,” she said. “They want to eat because that’s how they deal with stress, or it’s a habit.”

In the same interview, she also addressed reports claiming she did not eat carbs. To clarify, the actress said she does but she eats it “in small portions”.

“I do eat pizza and I do eat pasta, I just don’t eat a lot of it,” she said.
