Fans curious as BTS Jungkook and the SEVEN crew fly to Budapest along with BigHit Music's Director o

May 2024 · 5 minute read

BTS Jungkook stirred his entire fandom on the morning of October 14, 2023, as he reached the Incheon airport in Seoul, South Korea. The BTS member has been shattering records since July 2023 with his debut solo single release, SEVEN (feat. Latto).

Now, Jungkook has flown to Budapest for an overseas schedule right before his solo debut album launch of GOLDEN, slated to be released on November 3, 2023.

However, what rattled the cage was the fact that the dance crew from Jungkook's music video of SEVEN (feat. Latto) are also in Budapest, as reported by a fan, @R_taekook22. Furthermore, a fellow BTS ARMY, @vantescandykoo, commented on the post by @chartjungkook and expressed her speculation about the artist traveling to Budapest.

As announced by the SEVEN singer's agency, BigHit Music, the official promotion schedule was announced on October 3, 2023, which displayed the dates and times of everything that the artist had planned before the release of his debut solo album, GOLDEN.

As per the schedule, the tracklist of GOLDEN will be made public on October 16 at 12 a.m. KST (October 15 at 11 a.m. ET), while the poster for the title track will be unveiled on October 17 at 12 a.m. KST (October 17 at 11 a.m. ET). Followed by October 21 to October 30, 2023, at 12 a.m. KST (October 20 to October 29, at 11 a.m. ET), the singer will release one track per day from his album GOLDEN.

"I'm dying to know": Fans went feral as they tried speculating the reason Jungkook leaving for Budapest

Further, as the SEVEN singer was leaving for Budapest, the ARMYs became more curious to see the 3D singer holding onto a camera in the Incheon airport.

According to @R_taekook22, the BTS idol confirmed that the camera was his in response to a fan's question about it, which led the ARMY to wonder if the idol would be filming material for his personal YouTube channel GOLDEN CLOSET FILMS, which is well-known for the BTS maknae's propensity to record and edit travel vlogs before uploading them there.

Furthermore, a fellow X user and a fan of the BTS member stated that the dance crew had flown to Budapest two days ago, while @mostsuccessful tweeted that if a music video is filmed in Budapest, then this could be another high-budget video from Jungkook's bag.

Nevertheless, fans poured on Twitter to exchange their thoughts and speculations as the hashtag "Budapest" trended with over 18.6K posts while "HAVE A SAFE FLIGHT JUNGKOOK" trended with over 40.3K retweets.

Screenshot taken from Twitter/X from the "Trending" segment of the app.

Since both the music videos of the artist's pre-released singles SEVEN (feat. Latto) and 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) were filmed in Los Angeles and Kentucky, respectively, it wouldn't be a surprise if the BTS member films in Budapest for his upcoming debut solo album.

The BTS ARMY didn't waste a minute by storming to X, formerly Twitter, to speculate on the reason behind his travel plans.

As the fans are well aware of the upcoming release of his solo album, which will consist of eleven tracks, and the first of which is scheduled for release on October 20, 2023, they wonder if Budapest will serve as the backdrop of one of his tracks' music videos from GOLDEN.

Furthermore, it is crucial to note that the 26-year-old singer will drop another track, TOO MUCH, on October 20, 2023, which is The Kid LAROI's upcoming single in collaboration with BTS member and UK rapper Central Cee.

Fans are thrilled beyond measure as they witness the release of two massive songs—one by the BTS member from his highly-anticipated solo debut album GOLDEN and the other by the famous Australian singer, The Kid LAROI, featuring Jungkook.

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