University of Idaho Professor sues TikTok user

May 2024 · 2 minute read

A TikTok sleuth from Texas is being sued by a Professor from the University of Idaho.

The TikTok sleuth, Ashley Guillard, has made dozens of videos alleging Professor Rebecca Scofield is responsible for the murders of four University of Idaho students on November 13, 2022.

Professor Scofield is the chair of the History Department at the University of Idaho and has been a professor there since 2016. Guillard's TikTok videos began accusing Scofield of being involved on November 22, 2022. Guillard claims to use Tarot cards and other readings to "solve" high-profile cases. Guillard's TikTok videos continued in batches, accusing Professor Scofield of being in a secret affair with one of the victims and hiring or otherwise overseeing the murder of the four students.

One problem. According to court documents, Professor Scofield wasn't in Idaho when the murders occurred but in Portland with her husband. Court documents obtained by CBS2 also say that Professor Scofield never had any of the four murdered students in any of her classes.

Those same court documents also allege that Guillard has never been to Moscow, let alone anywhere else in Idaho, and could not reasonably have factual knowledge of the case in question.

Professor Scofield through her attorneys sent multiple cease and desist letters to Guillard demanding that she stop making the videos accusing her of murders she could not have committed, to take down the videos she had already posted, and to issue a public apology to Professor Scofield. Guillard doubled down, showing the cease and desist letters in a new TikTok video, saying "I'm not worried about Rebecca Scofield suing me because she will be using her resources to fight four murder cases." In creating this video Guillard publicly acknowledged receipt of the cease and desist letters.

Professor Scofield filed a defamation suit against Guillard. According to court documents, Professor Scofield has become afraid for her safety as the videos have continued, forcing her to install security around her house out of fear for someone taking these videos to be reality could harm her or her family.
